Hello People . This Blog Belong to muez . 19 july 1992 . PTPL collage SHAH ALAM . SUBANG , Shah Alam . camping Pictures, Images and Photos \Married with Siti Syazana . Skype-muiz.valera. Pocodot-muez valera.Thanks for visiting :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

memang sial lah hidup kau !

aku ingatkan,
kau lah perempuan yang cukup sifat and sempurna untuk aku ,
rupenye kau lah perempuan paling sial yang aku jumpe,
menyesal aku kenal dengan kau !
go to hell lah betina !
aku engad kau jujur dengan aku ,
rupenye kau tipu aku ,
now aku dah dapat contact kau !
weh , senang sangat lah aku nak cari kau ,
pandaikan aku cari kau ,
haha , jangan nak lari sangat lah dari aku ,
haha , now ko cakap kau nak putus dengan aku ,
wah senang sangatkan ,
haha , aku bukan bodoh macam kau lah weh ,
aku dah ade bahan baek punye nak bagi kat parent kau ,
bagi kau rase seksa aku macam mane ,
hahah :P

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thinking About You Siti Syazana :(

sayang ,
you pergi mane ?
i rindukan you :(
you ,
jangan lah buat i macam ini ,
kalau you terbaca blog i ,
please call i or text i ,
i rindu you sangat-sangat .
you ....

Sunday, July 31, 2011

why why !

wehy sayang ! kau tahukan yang aku sayangkan kau ! tapi kenape baru sekarang tibe-tibe mak kau text aku then tell me suruh lupekan kau ?
when aku tanye mak kau ,
kenape aunty ??
then mak kau cakap yang kau nie tunang orang !
betol ke sayang ??
kenpe kau buad aku macam nie ?
ape salah aku kat kau ha ?
hey sayang , betol ke semua nie ?
kalau betol ,
aku tak sanggup ouh -nak berhadapan dengan semua nie ,
kau tak kan faham perasaan aku macam mane ,
hati aku sakit sangat-0sangat bile dapat tahu oe ,

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thanks Siti Nur Syazana

thanks Siti Nur Syazana !
aku terima apa jua pun yang berlaku ,
aku cuma nak kau tahu yang aku betul sayang kau !
aku cuma ada kau seorang sahaja !
tapi bila kau buat aku macam ini ,
aku rasa erkilan sangat !
setiap hari aku pikirkan pasal kau ,
kau sihat ? you miss me ? 
tapi sekarang , 
kau selalu off kau punye phone ,
aku tak tahu lah if kau ada sim card lain ,
if kau dah ada pengganti lain bagi la tahu aku ,
jangan lah menghilangkan diri macam tu ,
im waiting for your text and you call !
i really missing you sangat !

Friday, June 3, 2011

when i was know you ,
you was crying that time .
i make you happy that time,
then you smile like a cow ,
you say thanks because u make me happy that night ,
then i said your welcome ,
that night ,
i was feel like you ,
then i try to make you trust me and i try make you laught that night,
im very happy because i make you happy ,
that night ,
i call you with super saver :)
then i try to make sure you like me and love me ,
when we are talk talk and talk ,
i try say to she ,
"do you want couple with me" ?
then  you say , up to you ,
that time im feel so happy to hear that and feel like in a dream,
now , 
i and u sweet couple and happy couple :)
i dont want you say to me that you wanna break with me !
if you say that !
i will shooot you dear !
i want you know that i love you so much my dear .
i dont want lost you !
you are mine you know !
if you try to lie me or what else ,
i will kick you with my legs !

Thursday, May 26, 2011

today kau bergadoh dengan ibu kau kan !! grr , bengang gile bile aku dengar , tapi aku pun panas jugak , bukan salah kau , tapi kau kene tuduh . if aku , aku pun bengang ouh.
then kau nages-nages kat aku . sepak-sepak kunx !
kau nages lagi siap kau ok !

bile kau mule nages , ape lagi . aku pun buad kau ketawa macam lembu ni ,
BHAHAHA , comel kau gelak sambil menanges .

then , mase kat karouke tadi , macam-macam kau buad kan ,
suka sangat ! haha , aku rase macam tengah mimpi uh tadi ,
pergh , best sangat ! SAYANG , bie nak repeat lagi lahh  ,
tak puas . BHAHAHA , sayang , iloveyousomuch !

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

marry you :)

It’s a beautiful night,
We’re looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go,
No one will know,
Come on girl.
Who cares if we’re trashed got a pocket full of cash we can blow,
Shots of patron,
And it’s on girl.

Don’t say no, no, no, no-no;
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;
And we’ll go, go, go, go-go.
If you’re ready, like I’m ready.

Cause it’s a beautiful night,
We’re looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

So whatcha wanna do?
Let’s just run girl.
If we wake up and you wanna break up that’s cool.
No, I won’t blame you;
It was fun girl.

Don’t say no, no, no, no-no;
Just say yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-yeah;
And we’ll go, go, go, go-go.
If you’re ready, like I’m ready.

Cause it’s a beautiful night,
We’re looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

Just say I do,
Tell me right now baby,
Tell me right now baby. x2

Cause it’s a beautiful night,
We’re looking for something dumb to do.
Hey baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

Is it the look in your eyes,
Or is it this dancing juice?
Who cares baby,
I think I wanna marry you.

weyh gilee , aku rindu kau doe ! today kau balek . Esok aku nak jumpe dengan kau ,
aku rindu kau sangat-sangat baby !
dah berape hari kau kat sane ouh , 
grr ! TENSION gile tak dapat tengok muke kau !
today kau dah balek , boleh lahh aku skype dengan kau !

Friday, May 20, 2011


baby ! thanks sebab give kiss like this !
bie suka sangat2.haha , bile lahh nak buat lagi kan sayang =P
kita tunggu jelah time honemoon nanti .
haaha, tak sabar =p


When you go far away from me , you always in my heart !
i dont want you go away from me sayang !
i hope i can make you smile everyday :)


Dihimpit dicengkam rindu ini
Gerimis duka ku
Menggamit kenangan silam
Resah dan pilu menghampiri

Sunyinya malamku kelam
Pedih kemelut cinta
Dingin kelu bicara
Tuk mengungkap rindu

Sayang ku mungkir pada kejujuranmu
Menolak segala bahgia dihadapanku
Kasihku mungkir pada kata janjiku
Berlari aku jauh dari cintamu
Ku kesali

Dihanyut dilambung ombak lara
Sepiku berkelana
Melayari jiwa nestapa
Menggagahi rasa kesayuan

Leburlah harapan cinta
Namun kesetiaanmu
Kugenggam bagai hukuman
Mengheret langkahku

Maafkan daku
Kekasih hati cinta kita berakhir
Maafkan daku
Kerna ku memungkirinya

Maafkan daku
Kekasih hati cinta jadi begini
Maafkan daku
Ku mungkir bahagia


bby , bie happy sangat dapat bby  ! i tau u curang , i SEPAK-SEPAK you ! 
i promise tak kan gadoh-gadoh dengan you !
i nak hubngan kita happy je,
tak nak sedih-sedih or nages-nages !
macam bebudak kecik je nages-nages .
sad oh sad !

i never been so happy mappy in a relationship like this syg.. u make my life so bright with happiness.. i want u to be mine forever n ever.. thx syg.. u've change my life.. eventhough i'm sensitive person.. that easily to cry.. when you came to my life.. i'm crying is not bcoz u hurt me.. BUT.. "I SO IN LOVE WITH YOU BIE"..

before we couple, i pernah cakap kat you, 
"i will make you happy with me, i dont wat you sad or mad because of me" 
Now i dah buktikan kat you yang i really serius woth you and i'm really love you bby!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

to my bie"MUEZ:
Lepas ni bie kne jge dri leklok taw.. bby xnk dgr bie sakit2.. bby klu bole xnk bie smoke da..anyway.. i'm happy sgt today.. sbb syg i xsmoke.."GOODBOY" .. bby isaw kt bie bile bie batuk .. bie btok trok..
bby isaw kn sgt kt bie.. bby xnk pape jd kt bie.. i really2 love you bie.. i'm so sorry xdpt nk keluar ngn bie sgt.. byk bende yg halang for bby nk jmpe bie.. i'm so sorry.. bby nk sgt jmpe bie.. but ape boleh bby wat.. "kite merancang Allah menentukan".. mybe now bby xdpt nk jmpe bie.. but next time boleh kn.. bby promise.. bby akn tmn bie prgi karaoke.. :) like mcm bie nk :).. this week mybe bby bz.. but nnt2..bby da xbz bby blik shah alam kite spent time k syg..
lg 1 month sumthing je .. pas2 nk honeymoon :)
*i'm crying*

to my baby"Zana"
you know what sayang , i sayangyou sangat2 , i tak nak hilang you , 
i sayangkan you sangat , today im happy sangat2 sebab you temankan i karaoke walaupun i tak sehad , 
thanks sayang bagi i chop siri you kat i . suka sangat .
haha , dapat free kiss dari you and macam2 lah tadi . haha . 
ilovemysayang !

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mama ! nak kasut ni ! smart sangat doe ! Geram dengan kasut ni ! tapi kat kedai tak pernah nampak lagi ! Grrr!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

berharap akan dapat menyertai rancangan ini ,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I just want one more day with you

I'm so sad and depressed
Is all I want to do is rest
I go to sleep at night
But my dreams I just can't fight

I think of you lying in that bed
And wonder if there is anything I could have said
I wish you were still here
But I know that you are still near

I love you more than you know
I just wish you didn't have to go
I just want one more day with you
And I know thats what you would have wanted too

I miss you more and more each day
There is so much more we had to say
I know I will see you again
But my life is just started to begin.